How can we help you?

Knowledge-as-a-service (KaaS) is a tool developed in the framework of the Digital Reality Initiative to foster the access to the knowledge base of IEEE, both by indivisduals and by third party apps.
Knowledge-as-a-Service: a web application that enables visual navigation to the IEEE taxonomy plus and quick access to the related resources (papers, conferences, videos, tutorials)
Digital Twin: the service allows a user to create her own Digital Twin. This is done by selecting and clustering ontology items available in the data base (the IEEE ontology and possibly other ontologies that could be provided by third parties). The created Digital Twin represent the knowledge space of interest for a specific person/company/organisation and can be used for personalised access to the knowledge base and by third parties applications to support additional services.
Click ABOUT in the menu and download the User Manual
To get credential for “developers only” log in write an email to kaas@ieee.org